2016 Honda Africa Twin DCT model accessories preview

This has been a tough year for riders who finally own a 2016 Africa Twin 1000 or those are just soon-to-be-owners. Honda has kept all of you waiting so long, hasn’t it? Where am I going with this story?
Simply I just don’t want to end up like Honda and keep delaying our outfitting project. Hence, I’m writing this email to tell you where we’re at with the accessories manufacturing process, and you can decide whether you want to remain on our potential customer’s list or have your name crossed off.
The bad news: there’s been a delay.
The good news: there was a delay because we had got a DCT model to test-fit our products last week and we ended up only with minor mods to the skid plate. Still, it’s a set back.
Where we’re at right now:
Crash bars are being CNC bent and mounting tabs are being laser cut. Next week is assembly. To be frank though, the numbers of crash bars and skid plates that are on “pre-order” is beyond our expectations. As you may or may not know, the accessories manufacturing is carried in my father’s fabrication facility and Outback Motortek is not their full-time business, yet and as such there can and will always be delays depending on their other clients’ orders that are much larger volume than Outback Motortek. For now, at least.
Regardless, it’s not an excuse. I’ll also understand if some of you who’ve been waiting on our farkles, just close this page and never return. Everyone has plans to enjoy their new bikes this summer and we may interfere with trips that have been planned for a while, should there be any delay in our manufacturing process. Ride safe and hope to see you on or off the road.
For those who decide to stick around: I’ll report again next week on the developments when we get the skid plates laser cut (now that they perfectly fit the DCT model as well), and by then the crash bars should be taking up shape and we may have a release date.
One more important thing. The DCT version gets a “DCT guard”. This piece of protective tubing will only be featured on the side where the DCT is. Optional for this model only. Those who own or will own a manual model may have this option later but the crash bars and skid plate provide enough coverage with adding more bars/weight to the bike. On request, we can supply this for both models though later.
In the meanwhile, check out the video we made below. Only because a lot of you have been requesting, we laid down the bike. The real crash test will have to wait though!
By the way crash, the very same gentleman who brought the DCT is planning on taking the Africa Twin to its “home”: Africa. Of course, outfitted with Outback Motortek crash and engine protection. You can follow his adventure this summer called Desert Storm 2016 here all the way down to Dakar in Senegal from Budapest, Hungary.
Lorry Gombos
Founder and owner
Outback Motortek