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Head to head comparison: Honda Africa Twin 1000 vs. KTM 1090R Adventure

It’s such a dominant topic lately: is Honda that good to keep up with KTM’s new adventure models? Is it worth spending the extra $2000 to get a 1090R or go for the more affordable and simpler Africa Twin 1000?


There are many answer to these questions. At the end of the day, it’ll all boil down to personal preference but perhaps you still want questions answered? Read on or scroll down to the video.  

We’re a lucky bunch at Outback Motortek. Or unlucky. Depends on how you look at it. We have two permanent bikes for research and development: Honda Africa Twin 1000 and the latest addition is a KTM 1090R Adventure. 

So, why unlucky? Because we had to invest into these wonderful machines…

Now, that I’ve had to chance to roam around on both of them, I say that they’re both worth every penny! 

Having such a great opportunity to ride and own two of the current best adventure bikes (biased a bit?), I couldn’t pass on the opportunity to carry out a comparison “test”. I grabbed the video equipment and a helping hand (my brother) to create a video about my experiences on the KTM 1090R vs. Honda Africa Twin CRF1000L. Enjoy the video below and don’t hesitate to leave a comment. 

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