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2016 Honda Africa Twin parts development sneak peek

I‘m so pleased with your contribution, folks. We’ve received so many surveys and that certainly gave us the boost to work on accessories based on your desire.

Let’s cut to the chase! You rock. We had launched a survey to involve you, the owner or future owner of the new CRF1000L Africa Twin, and have received more feedback than expected. The survey is still open and you or your buddies who caught the Africa Twin fever can still contribute: click here. Let’s see the numbers so far.

The numbers are staggering: 88% of the participants voted for a “sturdy crash bars with less coverage”, only 7% of you want a crash bar that reaches up to the headlight and 5% voted for either. As for Outback Motortek, we also vote for the much sturdier version. Less is sometimes more.

Skid plate: the numbers are a bit less shocking but still, it looks like more of you want a “bomber” skid plate with 65% of the voters supporting this option, 31% is fine with something more simple and only 4% is “okay” with the factory skid plate. Perhaps we’ll come out with two different versions of skid plates.

Lower crash bars/engine guards: pretty interesting stats here: 69% voted for this accessory and rightfully so. The Africa Twin’s engine is as wide as a truck (not literally) and will certainly need protection here. Good call. 15% of the voters think that only engine guards are necessary and “screw” the rest. 12% think only a crash guard is necessary to protect plastic parts and radiator and 4% indicated that they didn’t care. That’s also helpful.

Center stand: it looks like most motorcycle markets get this accessory with the basic package? We may not make it then. Unless you’re not satisfied with the OEM one.

Side stand enlarger: 77% of the voters will not want their Honda to sink in mud or sand, so you will want us to make this part. Will do! According to 19% of you, there’s absolutely “no need to put more crap on the bike“. We appreciate your honesty. And there’s that 4% who have no clue of what this accessory is. Don’t blame “ya” but wait until your bike sinks in mud or sand.

There were a couple of more questions but those are not heavily related to the CRF1000L adventure moto. 


The all new Africa Twin waits to be outfitted at Outback Motortek

Ooops, sorry I promised to cut to the chase and here I am babbling about stats and what not.

Attention: we’re building something entirely different from what I’ve seen so far from other highly respected manufacturers. I guess they didn’t listen you?

The photos below are simply just displaying prototypes and may change before we get to the final stage of manufacturing. I’m only releasing these “highly secretive” photos to hear back from you. We’re honestly trying to build these parts to fit your needs and desires. So, please call 1 877 931 3636 or email and let us know your thoughts.

This bike has been a tough cookie. It was a real challenge to find decent mounting points – I mean decent! – for the crash bars. One of our option to build a real sturdy set of bars is to manufacture a clamp that wraps around the frame near the rider’s leg. We’re using a 4mm thick rubber strip to protect the frame from direct contact with the steel mounting clamp and also to absorb any vibration.


My father/chief engineer/company owner tests several types of clamps as mounting tabs

Rubber strip is placed under the metal clamp to dampen any vibration and to protect the frame

After mounting the bar on, there seems to be adequate room for the gear shift rod. As a matter of fact, we even left room to remove the tool box just above the bar. 

Proper crash bar mount? We think so but let us know your thoughts, will you?

Another example of being different. The Outback Motortek crash bars mount in front of the exhaust header. This feature is to make your life easier while installing these bars.

Front mounting tabs are made of 5mm thick steel.

A bit of a coincidence, too that it might be part of an exhaust header protection. This part of the crash bars will most likely stay as it is, since we had quite the success using the same system on our BMW F700/800GS and Suzuki Vstrom 650 crash bars as well. 

Connecting bar runs in front of the exhaust headers.

Tons of room around those rubber hose.

Using the same mounting clamps did not prove to be successful on the right side (rider’s right). There was simply not enough room. Hence we decided to use the engine mount tabs that are essentially part of the frame.

Right hand side mounting

There was a lot of brainstorming and measuring, calculating on what the supporting bar that wraps around the engine should look like. We begin by working with hands first and later the computer programs can follow up.

Preparations begin by hand. Computer designs come after.

Final shape of the supporting bar.


There’s plenty of room at the knee.

There will possibly be changes to the shape and design of the upper bars but this is the result after the first day. Not everything is written in stone, yet. One thing is certain though: we’ll not raise this part of the bars too high. That would create way too much flexibility on this part and in case of a crash it could easily bend and do damage to the plastic fairing and the radiator. The new Africa Twin has sure one thing in common with the old one; its weight!

Crash bars take up shape. Not final though.

And one shot from the side. Like it, dislike it? Speak up!

That’s all folks. At least for now. I’ll let you digest what you have just seen and will move onto the skid plate sometime soon. Until then, I’m eager to hear what you’ve got to say regarding the Outback Motortek crash protection for this year’s highly celebrated adventure motorcycle.


Lorry Gombos

Founder and owner

Outback Motortek

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